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  • From farmland to frac sand

    In the Midwest, fertile soil is being excavated in pursuit of fossil fuels, while communities suffer.

  • Indoor farming takes off in Baltimore

    A new frontier for local food in Charm City.

  • Amid food industry upheaval, worker-owned coops expand

    While other cities may just be lighting a spark, Baltimore has been tending the fire of its solidarity economy for years, and many look to it as a model.

  • How NY's organic farms are faring amid a devastating dairy crisis

    Although they’re generally coping much better than their conventional dairy counterparts, “organic” and “grassfed” are no longer synonymous with “safe” for farmers.

  • The rural resistance to cheap meat production

    Communities trying to stop the expansion of industrial animal agriculture gain traction in Iowa and across the country.

  • Young farmers are inspiring, but are they making a living?

    “‘Basically, it starts to feel like I’m being financially irresponsible if I keep farming.”